Monday, June 10, 2013

Ereaders and Paperbacks

Many people find themselves hesitant with the idea of purchasing an e-reader. They argue that there's nothing like holding an actual book in your hand and physically flipping the pages. I find that there are many upsides to having an e-reader over the hard copy. To start off there are the practical reasons why e-readers are preferable. After making the initial investment of the e-reader you'll find that you will save money Often times the books found on for the kindle or for the nook are cheaper than the hard copy, especially if the novel is only available in hardcover. Another obvious practical reason that the e-readers are better than the hard copy is that they are much easier to transport and travel with. With just one e-reader you could have a great number of novels whereas to have the same affect with hard copies would be very difficult. One of the best perks of using an e-reader is the ability to highlight quotes and take notes without the fear of ruining your copy of the book. As for the argument of wanting the feel of turning the pages, it is a tedious excuse to not upgrade. When you are reading a novel turning a page isn't what makes you love a book. It's the content of it. You get the same content either way when reading a book. E-readers are more practical and convenient way of reading.


  1. Personally i think that the ereaders are not as great as a real book, though you make some great points i think i will always choose a book over a ereader. I like the feeling of going through the library and browsing through all the choices of books. I also like the fact that the ereaders can be highlighted and annotated, then easily deleted. If you were to to the same to a book it would be perminent. Also i think a book is just as easily tranported to any destination as a ereader.

  2. Hi! It appears that we have a similar opinion. I too find E-readers much more practical both monetarily and out of convenience. I enjoy being able to make the font BIGGER on my kindle, for an easier read. Although some people MAKE FUN of me for it. But that's okay. I do however enjoy a hard copy because turning the pages allows me to feel the progress I am making in a novel. I don't particularly feel that enhances the reading but I do feel that it is part of the experience.
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